Friday, April 26, 2019


The last time I wrote, I was out of the hospital and unsure of what would happen next. I returned to Houston late Monday night and met with the doctor and his team on Tuesday morning. They decided to have me continue with chemotherapy but hold the immunotherapy drug for a week. I received chemotherapy Tuesday and returned home Tuesday night, thanks to my sister-in-law, Suzanne, who planted her feet in the doorway of the plane and refused to move until I got there. I recovered all day Wednesday with just the regular effects of chemotherapy and tried to return to work on Thursday. I only made it a few hours and spent the rest of the day sound asleep on my couch. As of last night, I am finally starting to understand how to use the pain and nausea medicine to my advantage. I think I will soon be able to tolerate the chemo a little better. I came back to work today and told all of the students in Sisterhood Circle that I am sick and that we can only exchange air hugs in the hallway from now on. I went home for a nap mid-morning but returned for lunch duty. If I can handle Kindergarten and 1st Grade lunch duty, I can handle anything. So, I’m finishing up the day, looking forward to resting through the weekend and heading back to Houston early next week for more chemotherapy fun.


Dana Vee said...

Thinkin and prayin for ya JT!

Emily Crawford said...

Wow, I am so impressed that you continue to work! Sending digital air hugs.

Anonymous said...

Thankful you can continue your chemo. We will be praying for the chemistry to do its job and for God to keep your immune system strong. Sending our love and continued prayers.
Mrs. Dana

Melody said...

You are an inspiration to all of us!!! Prayers and love from our family!!!❤️

stephaniehparker said...

Love and prayers!!!

Unknown said...

Love you Yen T!