Sunday, May 5, 2019

Overdue Update

The thought of sitting down to write a blog post has made me feel sick for the past few weeks. The thought of doing much of anything has made me sick, but this blog post in particular has been unusually daunting. Before, this whole cancer thing was sort of an abstract concept, but the increasing symptoms of the cancer plus the effects of chemo have made it all very real very quickly. Nothing about my body is working quite right, including the writing part of my brain.

I actually got a break from chemotherapy this week, which has been a huge gift. I worked all week with relatively little discomfort, and this morning I felt just almost normal. I started taking the immunotherapy drug again on Tuesday, and so far I haven’t had the kind of pain that sent me to the hospital last time. I can see tiny improvements here and there, and if they didn’t involve the most personal aspects of my bodily functions, I would celebrate them with you here.

Tomorrow night I will fly back to Houston for another round of chemo. I know this will put me back at the starting line as far as how I am feeling, but as I long as chemo is punching back this tumor, I am fine with that. Hopefully, it will also punch back this writer’s block, and I will be back to updating regularly again soon.


Liz Nalley said...

Remember that you are never alone. God is with you always. Also, always remember that it is not God’s will that you be sick. You are sick because sin exists. When man fell, all of creation was marred. It is not within our realm of understanding why God restores some to health and not others. Many many people are praying for you, as am I.

Kimberly Carley Bowman said...

We love you Turner. We love you so BIG. xoxo -KCB

Holland Patterson Burton said...

Thinking of you every day Turner! Love you!

Nina said...

Turner! Praying also that the effects of chemo mean good progress for kicking that tumor out. Sending so many wishes for many good days in between the yucky side effect days. Thanks for the update! It’s always so good to hear from you. You really do have such a positive spirit. It’s joy in the middle of crap that will be the best example for your friends and students! Love ya!!

stephaniehparker said...

Continued love and daily prayers for you for healing.

Tracy Eddy said...

We pray for you daily! Thank you for the update. Hoping this next round is a little gentler for you. Love you!

Anonymous said...

You are in our prayers continually. Bear prays for you too. We love you and pray for healing for you. We pray for your family and all your doctors, nurses, and specialists that are working with you. Sending you love and sincere prayers for you.
Mrs. Dana

Anonymous said...

Thinking of you my friend. Know you are daily in my prayers. Reagan ������

Bellesouth said...

Hey. I just want to thank you for being there during some of the darkest days of my late twenties. You were a great friend to me back then.

Unknown said...

Many prayers for you daily

Sarah Hobson said...

Thinking of you. So inspired and humbled by you and all you stand for.

Unknown said...

Love u JT praying for you

Anonymous said...

We miss you.