Saturday, March 1, 2008

My students

I made the girl in the first picture cry Thursday. I made three girls in three different classes cry Thursday. It's not that they misbehave, it's that they so want to please me that they are constantly at my feet squealing, "Teacher, teacher." When I tell them very sternly to sit down, they cry. Oh well.

In the second picture, you may notice the boy on the right, Brayon, seems to have a very conniving look on his face. He's very sweet and loves to give me tight hugs, but he never stays in his seat. I wish I could make him cry, but it will never happen.

In the third picture, you can see Maicol in the back giving a cheery thumbs up. Oh, Maicol. These are all second graders, who seem in the photos to be very well behaved. In real life, they are anything but.

Part of the reason, I think, is because, as you can see in the last photo, the students can buy all the sugaring treats they want from the pulperia during recess. Look at all that food Alizon has!


Anonymous said...

Brayon is going to be a trouble maker with the ladies for sure! He's a little hottie!

I love all of the photos!

Holly said...

I noticed that bag of loot! Geez! Brayon probably has a crush on his American teacher!

Danielle said...

Thanks for posting pics of your students and classroom! Very cool! Man, I bet it is difficult to keep all those kids on sugar highs in check!

Anonymous said...

They look kind of angry to have their photos taken :)