Wednesday, March 18, 2009

In the classroom

Proof that I don't just sit around in a hammock all day. And that homemade haircuts are never the way to go.


Bellesouth said...

I dunno, I'm kinda diggin' the homemade haircut.

Meghan said...

I think the homemade haircut is cute! (I once had a homemade drunk haircut -- THAT didn't turn out well.)

Jennifer said...

I got the haircut fixed yesterday. It looks much better.

Anonymous said...

loved it tho

HelloRachel said...

Hi back to you, Jennifer! I've been thinking about you a ton lately -- but haven't made time to read my favorite blogs or write letters. So sorry! As you could see on MY latest post, I've even forgotten to spell "weird" and didn't catch it! Miss you!

Linsley said...

I think the cut is great! I'll call you tonight or tomorrow to talk about your upcoming weekend! So excited!