Thursday, March 14, 2019


My life can be easily categorized by geography. I was a kid in DeWitt. College in Fayetteville. Early adulthood in Nashville. Newspapering in Bentonville. Teaching in Costa Rica. Now Dallas. In each of these places, I formed deep friendships. I could tell you so many stories. I have been reminded this week of how lucky I am to know and love so many incredible people and share so many tremendous experiences with them.

Yesterday, my friend Linsley drove from Little Rock to take me to the hospital for a liver biopsy. I am totally new to doctors and hospitals and IVs and monitors and such. I’m so new that when the nurse came to discuss my medical history, she just held up a blank sheet of paper. I was mostly awake for the procedure, and I asked the doctor if I could see some of the specimen. He brought over a little jar with two small, slimy, black strips of tumor floating around inside. I was in some pain during recovery, but Linsley kept me laughing and smiling the whole day. I am so grateful she was there.

I have had way more than my fair share of great friends throughout my life, and I am grateful for each one. Those relationships get inside us and change us, even if ever so slightly. Each of us is who we are today because of the influences of the people whose paths we have crossed throughout our lives. Iron sharpens iron and all of that.

Yesterday after the biopsy, this beautiful arrangement of succulents arrived at my door.

This incredibly thoughtful gift and note are such a reflection of Linsley and her wide open heart. Pretty amazing. Thank you to Linsley and Sarah and Regan and Joyvin and Sam and to all of the “best friends” I have had throughout my life. I have read all of your messages and comments and texts this week and haven't stopped smiling thinking of the memories we made together. Nothing but soul-boosting.  


Linsley said...

Damn. Here I am crying again. You make me a better person. Always have. Always will. I love you.

Anonymous said...

Dear Jennifer,
Your work with the school and all that you do has always been such an encouragement to me. Now that you are on this new journey, you still bring a smile knowing that you are giving this journey your all as you do everything. My entire family (Not just Hortons, but DuMonds, McCallies, Cockrums, etc.) and my school family at DES are lifting you up in our prayers. Thank you for all the ideas you have shared with education and life. You have been a blessing to this old goat in my teaching career.
Sending my love and prayers for you,
Dana Horton