Monday, April 22, 2019

Square One

I think (maybe? I hope?) the most tumultuous time of this cancer journey is over for now. I have a plan and a schedule and am working on settling into a routine. Now I just relax and let science do its work.
I knew I was going to regret this statement when I wrote it at the end of my last post, hence the parenthetical admission of doubt. The most tumultuous time of this cancer journey  definitely came Friday when I went to the ER with severe liver pain. My liver levels had skyrocketed, but the CT scan didn’t show anything out of the ordinary (other than the massive tumor). Doctors decided the reaction was probably from the chemo and immunotherapy drug; they were just too much for my liver. I had finally, over the span of six weeks, brought my liver levels down to an acceptable level so that I would be eligible for the trial. It looks like I may not be eligible anymore. I see my doctor in Houston tomorrow morning, and we will reassess the situation.

The good news amidst all of this is that my genetic testing results came back, and I am positive for the FGFR2 gene mutation. Only about 15% of cholangiocarcinoma patients have this gene mutation. The only real treatment that has been proven to work in cholangio cases has been seen to work only with patients with this specific gene mutation. A drug has already been through the clinical trial process and has been proven to work. Unfortunately, it has yet to be approved by the FDA. I expect the doctor in Houston to talk to me tomorrow about my options as far as continuing with the clinical trial (if I am eligible) as well as possibilities of somehow gaining access to the FGFR2 drug.

I busted out of the hospital on Saturday, just in time to spend a lovely Easter with my family. Today I have an appointment with my palliative care doctor, and tonight I’ll catch a late flight to Houston. Thanks, as always, for all of the love and support. Please continue to send some positive vibes my way this week as I find out what is next in this very tumultuous journey.


Jessica Johnson said...

Glad you got to bust out in time for Easter. Hope you get good news tomorrow. Prayers steadily coming your way. Love you my friend!

Courtney Jasper said...

In my thoughts and prayers sweet friend

Sonia said...

Hey you. I got your name posted on my positive vibe list. Yours is in very large letters with a big pink heart next to it.

Joyce Reed said...

Jennifer, prayers are being sent as I think of you which is often. I’m praying for good news today! I’m so glad you were able to enjoy Easter with your family! Thank you for posting! Love.......

Anonymous said...

Dear Jennifer,
My Sunday School Class and I are praying for you continually. I am very thankful you and your family were together on Easter. My prayers are that God will keep you strong and make this tumor disappear. You are a blessing to so many, many people. Thank you for keeping us updated. I pray for you every time I think of you, which is often during each day. God bless you!
Mrs. Dana

stephaniehparker said...

You are on my mind almost constantly. Continued prayers for you! I love and miss you. -Stephanie

Katie K said...

Thinking of you and hoping for a good outcome. Take care.