Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Today is Kids' Day in Costa Rica, so after filling myself with celebratory cake and fried chicken, I skipped out on afternoon parties to come to Buenos Aires. I had to make some photocopies, mail a wedding gift and give you a quick ayote update.

Last night my host mom finally cut the black, rotting, fly-covered end of the ayote that's been sitting uncovered on the kitchen counter for a couple of weeks and tossed it into a bucket in the yard. She took the remaining good parts of the ayote, cut them up and cooked them on the stove.

It was so delicious I asked for seconds for the first time all year. Ayote is even better than pumpkin. I just wanted you to know. And to all you kids out there, happy day.

1 comment:

Linsley said...

Kids Day!! What the hell? I thought every day was Kids Day.

I miss you (please read that with a bit of a whine to it. Because really, I miiiiiissss yoooooouu!).
