Friday, May 2, 2008

Thank God for avocados

Just when I thought I couldn't choke down another plate of rice and beans, avocados began to fall from the sky -- or rather, from the avocado tree in the back yard. I love avocados. Then again, I used to love rice and beans, too.


Just me. said...

The Snowman mug in the picture slays me....considering where you are LOL!

Jennifer said...

Oh, I'm so glad you noticed. That mug cracks me up everytime I use it, which is several times a day, considering it is one of only five drinking utensils in the house. When we have company, we have to drink in shifts. And what about the bottle of whiskey. It's been sitting there for a month now, and I don't know why. My family doesn't even drink.

By the way, welcome. I'm glad you're here.

Camila said...

Hmmmm....I will die from one of those avocados...those are REAL avocados.