Friday, July 27, 2012

Rosario Islands

Yesterday we took a boat to a small archipelago south of the Bay of Cartagena. I mostly just swam in and sunned beside the crystal-clear water. Others chose to scuba dive or paddle boat to a neighboring island. My greatest adventure of the day was to take a walk in search of a coconut. A local guy shimmied up a palm tree and got some for us. It was a pretty incredible day. The boat ride there took about an hour and was nice and calm. The boat ride home was a completely different story. The sea was choppy, and water sprayed over the sides of the boat into our faces. It was at once very exhilierating and very frightening. Mostly it was very annoying, especially since I had already changed out of my swimsuit into dry clothes. In the last picture you can see my friend Joan trying to find refuge behind a towel.

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